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Winner of the 2019 boaat book prize
tim carter & clara carter
Praise for Remains
If a writer with extraordinary gifts and dedication, a writer like Tim Carter, felt irresistibly driven to write the book of a lifetime, poems full of the nuances of the passing moment, with intensities of perception, thought, and feeling beyond the momentary, this would that book, wrenching in the pain of loss and exultant with love beyond loss: the book of a lifetime.
Brooks Haxton
Author of Mister Toebones: Poems (2021)
Tim Carter's Remains is a stinging, lyric wonder. Where blood and language flood the body's immediate and involuntary cavities of memory, Carter's voice surfaces in astonishing remembering. Visible in the vibrant, fractured forms of the mother and the everlasting body of these words, Carter's revelatory powers are a profound gesture of love, shock, and grief.
Rachel Eliza Griffiths
Author of Seeing the Body (2020)
The emotional territory that Tim Carter must map lies somewhere between the "muscular, glossy" anger of Rodin and Cassatt's nuanced interest in not "how things were, but how they felt." These two extremities are Carter's burden and his great gift . . . This book is audacious, elusive, beautiful, harrowing, tender.
Bruce Smith
Author of Spill (2018)
Remains is one of the most loving homages to a lost parent I've ever read. Devastating and clear-eyed, compassionate, Tim Carter's poems mark incredible skill in emotional expression, entering into the deeply traumatic experience of a family car accident that took the life of the mother. What astounds me is the amount of empathy it takes to accomplish such a feat. Through Carter's elegant, investigatory poetry, the dead are vivid, totally alive . . .
Bianca Stone
Author of What is Otherwise Infinite (2022)
Memory and consolation inherit many forms, as does grief. With riveting lyricism and other illumined testimony, Remains thrives. Tim Carter has written an unforgettable book.
Michael Burkhard
Author of Envelope of Night: Selected and Uncollected Poems, 1966-1990 (2008).
Praise for Remains
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Publications + Readings
Publications + Readings
"The Translucent Bell" at Radar.
"Too Late in the Evening," at Jet Fuel Review.
"A Wish is Tender Air" at Birdfeast.
"Burial Notes" at Diagram.
A live reading at Poem City in Montpelier, VT, 28 April 2021
A live reading at the Downtown Writers Center in Syracuse, NY, 31 March 2023

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